AUTMHQ is seeking volunteers who speak Spanish
Si hablas Español, ¡esto es para ti!
Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTMHQ) necesita de voluntarios como tú. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es enviarnos un correo a para comunicarte con nosotros y así poder arrancar y trabajar juntos en favor de nuestra misión.
Como ya lo sabes, AUTMHQ está enfocada en ayudar a personas Hispanas y Afrodescendientes a lograr su sueño de prepararse y obtener las certificaciones correspondientes para entrar a la industria de la tecnología con un gran trabajo que les ayude a mejorar su situación económica. ¡Tú puedes ser de gran ayuda para lograrlo! Contáctate hoy mismo con nosotros para iniciar esta labor lo antes posible.
Aquí puedes leer más sobre nuestra misión y los programas que AUTMHQ ofrece.
Gracias de antemano,
Paty Sesma
VP of MarCom at AUTMHQ
The drive for diversity and inclusion in the space industry
More women and ethnic minorities are joining the space industry, but the drive for D&I is not over. Here we look at the steps already taken in the industry According to Tech Nation, only 19% of tech workers worldwide are women. Despite the rise of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives across a range of industries, there is an ongoing and significant gender disparity in tech companies.
In 2020 the Google Diversity Report stated that only 5.5% of new tech hires in the US were Black. That’s Google’s largest annual increase in Black representation yet, but there’s still so much more to do to improve diversity rates in tech.
On the other hand, leadership roles in the tech industry are highly international, with 18% of directors being non-British compared to 13% in non-tech sectors.
Accenture aims to achieve gender-balanced workforce by 2025
NEW DELHI: Global professional services company Accenture aims to achieve a gender-balanced workforce by 2025, with an equal representation of men and women in percentage terms. Currently, Accenture has 1,50,000 women, amounting to nearly 40 percent of its global workforce. "Diversity makes our business stronger and more innovative and, most important, it makes the world a better place," Accenture's chairman and CEO Pierre Nanterme said. Nanterme further noted that "with this new goal, we are sending an important message to our people and our clients confirming our commitment to a gender-balanced workforce."
Axios Latino: Tecnología para la inclusión
Los latinos con discapacidad suelen tener peor calidad de vida que otros grupos demográficos en Estados Unidos, un desequilibrio que se busca paliar con el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías.
Por qué importa: Uno de cada seis adultos latinos en el país tiene una discapacidad. Conforme crece la población hispana, es probable que más gente necesite apoyo por este motivo.
Panorama general: Más de 5.4 millones de hispanos, el 9% de la población latina de cualquier edad en Estados Unidos, tiene alguna discapacidad.
✅ Han surgido tecnologías y servicios para apoyar a esos latinos:
‣ Una app siendo desarrollada por una adolescente mexicana ayuda a quienes usan lenguaje de señas a comunicarse con mayor facilidad al traducirlo a texto o a voz, y viceversa.
‣ Un servicio de video de relevo disponible en español y en inglés que provee interpretación al momento de lenguaje de señas, de la compañía Purple Communication, acaba de unir fuerzas con Meta para ofrecer sus servicios en aparatos de Facebook y para facilitar el acceso a la interpretación en videollamadas.
‣ La asociación sin fines de lucro World Institute on Disability tiene varias herramientas digitales, entre ellas la iniciativa bilingüe Proyecto Visión, con servicios de capacitación laboral para personas con discapacidad, consejos sobre manejar presupuestos y sobre cómo mantener los beneficios por discapacidad.
🔌 ATC Unplugged: "Transparency Sells Better Than Perfection"
A consumer research study changed my life. As it turns out, transparency sells better than perfection. And, due to the proliferation of reviews and feedback on everything we do, buy and experience, we now have to be transparent anyway. In this talk, we explore the science of how we, as humans, engage, prioritize, decide, and ultimately buy. We then dig into how to immediately apply those learnings to our messaging, positioning, and overall buying journey. In this one-part entertaining, two-parts head-slapping insights, and two-parts immediately actionable talk, your selling philosophy will become, as Tyra Banks calls it, “flawsome”!
About Todd Caponi:
Todd Caponi is the author of the 3x best-book-award-winning and international best-seller, The Transparency Sale, and his newly released (July 5th) bestseller The Transparent Sales Leader. Todd’s day job is as a speaker and workshop leader as Principal of Sales Melon LLC. He is a multi-time C-level sales leader, behavioral science and sales history nerd, and has guided two companies to successful exits. He now speaks and teaches revenue organizations on leveraging transparency and decision science to maximize their revenue capacity.
❗It's almost here!
Building Promise USA to Host Hiring Initiative for Re-Entry Empowerment (HIRE) Event for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
HIRE has been organized to utilize the combined resources of partnering organizations that include Indeed, City of Austin’s Equity Office, Workforce Solutions Capital Area, Community Coalition for Health, Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTMHQ), Indeed Transitional Outreach Ministries, the Travis County Reentry Roundtable, Time Done, and other Austin-based organizations that focus on serving this target population.
📆 The event details: Saturday, August 20, 2022: 9 am - 5 pm Impact Hub Austin - North Loop 5540 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78756
Wednesday, August 24, 2022: 9 am - 5 pm Impact Hub Austin - Bouldin Creek 411 W Monroe St, Austin, TX 78704
AUTMHQ is a proud a ambassador for the Battle for Austin Tech
As an Ambassador for Battle for Austin Tech, AUTMHQ is looking forward to bringing our community together with Austin Technology Council to celebrate 30 years of tech’s influence in Austin by honoring the first-ever recipients of the Austin Tech Awards and witnessing the ultimate Battle of the Tech Bands. 📆 Event Date: September 22, 2022, at ACL Live at the Moody Theater To get involved, visit
NSBE AP and Dell Technologies presents FreshStart.
FreshStart is a National Society of Black Engineers – Austin Professionals (NSBE-AP) program. We use interactive workshops to introduce Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) concepts to 6th – 12th graders.
FreshStart 2022 is IN-PERSON
We’re excited to be back IN PERSON this year! You do not want miss this opportunity for both students AND parents. Breakfast and Lunch provided.
📆 Register today!
We’ll have great workshops that will give students an opportunity to get a better understanding of what it takes to have a career in STEM fields. We also have a parent track to provide valuable insights on how to support your student’s STEM journey.
Date: Sunday, September 25, 2022 Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm Location: Applied Materials Campus 9700 US-290, Austin, TX 78724 Building 34 (Lakeside Entrance)
👉 Complete the survey here!
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