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🍁 Our stories will make you Fall for us!

From homeless to working in tech, get inspired by the story of James Fladger.


This is how AUTM kicks off the Autumn Season! 🍁

Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTM) has been hitting the ball out of the park! Because there are so many accomplishments to discuss, let's get right to the point: Our programming department hosted a volunteer orientation meeting this week with four National Instruments' volunteers who conveyed their enthusiasm for working with AUTM participants. What a fantastic approach for our organization to build ties! National Instruments, in fact, interviewed our AUTMite James Fladger on his life story and career path in technology. The most exciting news is that James has been offered a position as a Platform Technician at Intel. He is a military veteran who has been homeless for an extended period of time while working full-time in another field. This is how AUTM makes a difference in people's lives! Our CEO, Michael Ward Jr., met with Senator Eckhart's and Commissioner Ann Howard's offices to solicit their support for our initiatives. We continue to engage with broader community groups. Finally, the Marketing department recently launched a brand awareness campaign on LinkedIn, and I am pleased to report that over 7,100 individuals have viewed 82 percent of our "Be Passionate" video. We are receiving a high level of engagement, and we couldn't be happier! 😄 The AUTM team genuinely enjoys what we do, and we would love for you to join us and make your days extraordinary! Paty Sesma, Director of Marketing and Communications


Promoting Equity in Tech, with Tech, and to Tech

September 28, 2021 | 6:30pm CDT | Event Type: Discussion, Online via Zoom

The technology sector is struggling with diversity and equity issues, while many cities and communities are finding that access to technology—broadband, devices, training, etc.—is also inequitable among different socioeconomic and demographic groups. Are these issues getting better? If not, why; and if so, what works? Are they related? Does lacking access to tech promote/sustain inequities in the tech sector? Can technology itself be used to help identify inequities, determine causes, and help develop effective solutions to both issues? Join our conversation on these topics, featuring Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTM) President and CEO Michael Ward Jr., Founder Chelsea Collier, and Austin Forum on Technology & Society's Conversations Coordinator, Jessica Sager

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Shopping on Amazon is another simple method to support AUTM's efforts.

Austin Urban Technology Movement is now available on Amazon Smiles.

The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible purchases. Tens of millions of products are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages at or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app. Recurring Subscribe & Save purchases and subscription renewals are not currently eligible to generate donations. ❗Remember, only purchases made at, (not or with AmazonSmile turned ON in the Amzon Shopping app on your mobile phone will generate AmazonSmile donations.


Join VetsinTech to discuss Tech Career Opportunities!

What: VetsinTech Virtual Employer Meetup!! When: Wed, 09/29/2021 at 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM PDT Where: Who: Military, Veterans, and Military Spouses of all experience levels are welcome. We will be providing Mentors, Hiring Managers, Recruiters from Accenture, Adobe, ADP, Amazon, Booz Allen Hamilton, Comcast, DraftKings, Elastic, F5, Facebook, Genentech, Google, IBM, Lytx, NetApp, Palo Alto Networks, PNC, Reddit, Slack, Tibco, Uber, and others from VetsinTech Employer Coalition for a unique experience with VetsinTech.

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Sign the Petition: Texas Technology for All

COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted those from underrepresented communities, exposing the negative effects of the digital divide and the consequences of income inequalities.

In order to assist Texans in greatest need for technology education and internet access, Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTM) has partnered with other organizations to launch a regional campaign for low-income, underserved, and underrepresented communities. Our Texas Technology for All nonpartisan campaign has three components:

1. Provide internet access for low-income, underserved, and underrepresented communities.

2. Connect low-income, underserved, and underrepresented communities with technology devices (mobile hotspots and computers).

3. Upskill and reskill low-income, underserved, and underrepresented communities to transition into the technology industry (using tech, developing tech, and/or working in tech) in order to apply for the technical and non-technical jobs on our job board.


Workforce Solutions: Hire Local Summit

Join us for a comprehensive look at the progress of the Austin Metro Area Community Workforce Plan, the unveiling of the Plan’s next iteration, our regional response to the pandemic, and how you can help Austin prepare for the future.

We'll hear from workforce development leaders: Bryan Daniel, Chairman, and Commissioner Representing the Public for the Texas Workforce Commission will discuss job growth in Austin and all of Texas. Aaron Demerson, Commissioner Representing Employers for the Texas Workforce Commission will speak on how Workforce Solutions Capital Area's upskilling strategies strengthen Austin's workforce. Mayor of Austin Steve Adler will talk with us about how everyone can benefit from Austin's growth and opportunities. Travis County Judge Andy Brown will speak on how Workforce Solutions Capital Area and partners can bring all of Travis County higher.

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Copyright © 2021 Austin Urban Technology Movement, All rights reserved.

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