AUTM continues to make great strides toward achieving our mission. Continue to back us up and spread the word about what we're up to. "You're going to hear us roar louder," as Katie Perry would say.
Hola and Hello!
How cool is it to have a National New Friends Day? Every day, people who join the movement and sign up for volunteering opportunities, partnerships, or simply enroll in our programs become new friends to us. I can tell you that joining our mission will provide you with a tremendous purpose in life and will make your days extraordinary!
In other fantastic news, our AUTMites video, "Be Passionate," has reached over 17,000 viewers in the past 30 days. It's no surprise that our community is rapidly growing and that people are responding to our call to join the movement. Every week, we receive more job posting submissions, which greatly contributes in the achievement of our mission.
To conduct our AUTM Horizons event, our programming department teamed with Slalom, a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation. More than 20 people were able to obtain answers to topics like how to deal with professional changes or how to tackle assignments or projects in the best way possible. They wanted to know how they might invest in themselves by continuing their education and earning certificates. The attendees were fully engaged in the discussion on the consulting industry.
Through every AUTMite who secures a job, every new partnership with new employers or organizations, and every donation, AUTM continues to make great strides toward achieving our mission. Continue to back us up and spread the word about what we're up to. "You're going to hear us roar louder," as Katie Perry would say.
Paty Sesma Vice President of Marketing and Communications
AUTM EVENTS Do you want constructive feedback on your interview skills from Microsoft volunteers? Join this very cool Mock Interview session on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:30 am CDT During this session we'll discuss and practice keys ways to completing a successful interview with tips from one of the industry leaders in tech. This workshop is open to beginners and those with experience.
Microsoft volunteers will conduct behavioral and technical mock interviews focused on the following areas below: • Cybersecurity • Data Analytics/Science • Project Management • Software Development/ Engineering • UX/UI Design
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La NASA aspira a que la primera mujer que pise la Luna sea hispana
Una historieta que ha lanzado la NASA en el marco del pasado Día Mundial del Cómic ha servido de carta de intenciones para la agencia espacial y su objetivo de poner a una mujer latina sobre el satélite natural de la Tierra.
Una historieta que ha lanzado la Agencia Espacial de Estados Unidos (NASA) en el marco del pasado Día Mundial del Cómic ha servido de carta de intenciones para la agencia espacial y su intención de que el primer ser humano que regrese a la Luna sea una mujer y además hispana.
La 'heroína' del cómic First Woman la han hecho acompañarse de un simpático robot en este cómic digital interactivo que es una declaración de intenciones por parte de la NASA con miras a sus futuras misiones lunares.
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Teacher works with AWS to open up tech careers in rural community
Amazon Web Services and an Oregon community college offer an upskilling program to help local people access new cloud computing career opportunities, regardless of their experience.
When Amazon Web Services (AWS) began building data centers in northeastern Oregon, the company saw an opportunity to offer local people training to develop the skills they would need to pursue new careers in the industry—and Blue Mountain Community College was on hand to help. In 2015, AWS teamed up with Peter Hernberg—who has taught math and computer science at the college in the city of Pendleton for eight years—to create the Data Center Technician Training Program. The initiative has since assisted more than 80 individuals from the region to secure jobs in cloud computing.
Do you want to make a difference in people's lives, too? Click here.
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BFUTR 2021 Tech Summit - Presented by TD Thursday, October 28, 2021, 11:00 AM CDT – Friday, October 29, 2021, 7:30 PM CDT
The BFUTR Global Tech Summit is where Black professionals come together to celebrate community and build the future of tech! It’s the largest virtual gathering of Black tech professionals in the world. This year, 20,000+ tech and business professionals will come together to grow their skills, expand their network and level up their careers.
BFUTR Global Tech Summit 2021 is a virtual event presented by TD The largest virtual gathering of Black tech professionals globally!
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Engineering Leadership Roundtable: Product Development Lifecycle
Thursday, October 28, 2021, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
We are excited to invite the ATC Community to in-person events! Please note that we are doing everything we can to make sure our community is safe and healthy. We will always put your health first. With that in mind, we will request all attendees take their temperature at check in. Engineers from Austin are invited to come have an open discussion about the product development lifecycle and what a successful lifecycle looks like in your particular company. This is your chance to ask questions specific to your journey and network with peers and possible mentors.
👉 Register here →
‘Urgent Pizza’: The Untold Story of the Largest Hack in Twitch’s History
Former Twitch employees shared details of the hack the company suffered in 2014, and how the company's approach to security evolved after it.
At the end of the day on a Friday in October 2014, just a few months after Amazon paid nearly $1 billion for the video game streaming website Twitch, an engineer stumbled upon what at the time was the platform’s first-ever hack while doing tech support for a colleague who worked remotely.
"Oh...!" the former Twitch engineer recalled saying. "But I remember thinking that there was so much 'I told you so' here."
The engineer, who asked to remain anonymous to speak about confidential details of the incident, said he found logs that showed the hackers had gained access to his colleague's account. The hackers had left clear traces of their intrusion, he said.
"This attack definitely had the characteristic of a minimally skilled adversary," he told Motherboard. We just discussed these types of security issues at our ReThink Austin 2021 Technology Session: Protecting your Digital Footprint. Watch the video here.
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Apply Now to Join the Greater Austin STEM Ecosystem Steering Committee or an Action Team:
Action Teams:
• STEM Professional Development Providers • Advancing Girls & Women in STEM • Increasing Blacks and Hispanics in STEM • STEM in Out-of-School Time • 2024 Eclipse • STEM State and Federal Policy Advancement Additional Action Teams in alignment with ecosystem goals may be added if there are interested leads and members. There is a space for "other" in the action team selection field below.
Action Team and Team Member Responsibilities: • Create a strategy to identify, connect, foster collaborations, and amplify efforts • Work with the Greater Austin STEM Ecosystem Steering Committee to execute the strategy • Lead/Host/Facilitate Collab Labs or other events to advance the work of the Action Team and Greater Austin STEM Ecosystem • Attend meetings in person or online/on-phone as needed for a successful effort • Attend STEM Networking Forums (3-4 per year) and Collab Labs or other events as needed to gather community input and/or inform community about amplifications and Action Team activity • Share information, resources, and ecosystem events throughout other networks, organizations and systems • Volunteer time and talents to the work of the Greater Austin STEM Ecosystem and the Action Teams • Ensure equity, access, social justice, and serving underrepresented groups in STEM are embedded in strategy and efforts
Applications will be accepted October 1 through November 30. Two-year terms begin January 1, 2022 and run through December 31, 2023.
👉 Apply here→
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